There are two kinds of people. Those who are unhappy despite their good fortune and those who find happiness even when they have hardly anything at all. Likewise, some people dwell on their guilt and let it tear them apart. Then some people take whatever guilt, whatever regret, whatever iniquity they carry and let it burn inside them like a blaze. The force of this guilt builds and builds causing something greater than hate or revenge. It is transformation. A new character trait is formed and a new purpose is created.
Our soul becomes weak and susceptible to manipulation if it is never challenged. We do not grow in idleness. We grow through adversity and by learning from our mistakes. That hollow, empty feeling in the pit of the stomach from overwhelming guilt is a difficult sensation. And yet, it is up to each of us to choose what to do with that guilt. Do we let that empty feeling cause us to wither or awaken?
There is a quote that says, “We've all got meanness in us, but we've got goodness too. And the only thing worth living for is the good.” Salvation causes even the darkest soul to be redeemed. Only once they turn to the light can they stand against the darkness.
There is something powerful behind hope. Hope can help a team win a series, shift social momentum, and even motivate oneself through extreme struggles.
Fear is a powerful force that can be wielded and abused. Hate is a strong emotion, but it cannot outlast hope.
Most people hope for safety, prosperity, and comfort. It has become a dream of social consciousness. And yet, in this world, we have to fight and even suffer for what is worth having.
A decade ago, a theme floated around that always felt incomplete. Broken people are welcome was a call to those who have suffered to find sanctuary. What that theme was missing was the resilience and determination to fight one’s way back. It is important to know when we are broken. Getting back up and going above and beyond expectations is even more important.